Partnership Opportunities

We are looking for partners and allies to join our Treasure Your Chest education campaign and help fund this innovation to help as many girls as possible. The campaign will continue to develop and disseminate breast education resources for school girls but also expand to other sectors where breast knowledge is poor.
Key benefits you will receive from supporting us include:

Demonstrating your commitment to championing and supporting female health

Emphasising your status as a forward-thinking and socially responsible organisation

Increased brand exposure

Positive media attention from association with Treasure Your Chest
We are looking for partners and allies to join our Treasure Your Chest Education Consortium and help fund this innovation on an ongoing, sustainable basis. The consortium will continue to develop and disseminate breast education resources for school girls but also expand to other sectors where breast knowledge is poor.
If you are interested in partnering with us, or would like to learn more about Treasure Your Chest please get in touch with us at contact@treasureyourchest.org